nothing that matters in the slightest.

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Swedish chefs?

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As long as it isn't "Amercia the Beautiful"

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Maybe they forgot to hold the peach schnapps and Midori.

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well i can't unread that.

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They cut that part out because he was cursing ... it's this -

"What are you talking about? Talking about that sale you shot, that broad you're trying to screw and so forth ... is everyone here? Fuck it I'm going anyway ... let's talk about something important. This 47% - these 'people' - they're sitting out there <i>waiting</i> to give you their money. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? Do you hear me you fucking faggots? Do you see this watch? Do you see this watch? This watch costs more than your car. My wallet? It's the one that says RICH MOTHERFUCKER, motherfucker."

and so on for like 10 minutes

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dr who fucking around with things again.

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Perhaps Mitt actually sings to the audience, a live rickrolling.

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I'm assuming that would be Mormon missionary style.

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He liked George Romney enough to make him a cabinet secretary, but hated him enough to never talk to him or listen to anything he said. That's our Nixon!

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Go ahead -- have your fun librul commie atheist abortionist sodomites:

James O'Keefe has uncovered the two-minute gap here: <a href="http://www.theonion.com/art..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.theonion.com/articles/obama-help-us-de...">http://www.theonion.com/art...

Now he just needs to do some editing...

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Someone had the decency to edit out the sounds of some poor waiter being beaten?

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"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, that 'secret camera' I mentioned to you on the way in this evening is on pause for just a couple of minutes. In case you are confused about all that hokum about 47 percent and dependency and entitlement and blah blah blah, let me reassure you that I have to say that stuff to keep the crazies on board. But we all know better than that. I mean, if I were sincere about all the ridiculous stuff I have to say, I'd be the last person in the world you'd want to be President. And it's the same for all of us. Christ, Michele Bachmann is just heartsick about having to pretend to be a bigoted imbecile, and Rick Santorum was just about giving himself a hernia during the debates trying not to laugh out loud. [laughter] Okay, let's get back in character. Start up the camera again, Maribel."

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5) A really funny joke about firing people.

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But not if he didn't explain it well the first time.

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