take that sentiment back immediately.

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i am so goddamned sick of fucking job creators.

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But these foreign excursions (sounds better than invasions) are not budgeted items, so they will be creating more debt we don't know about.

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Ann Romney is supporting the <a href="http:\/\/cdn2-b.examiner.com\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/image_full_width_scaled\/hash\/7b\/61\/7b61da65dcd7ceeb9298c170f9c553e0.jpg" target="_blank">shirt-waste</a> industry.

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If it's throwing up and the other yucks it's not influenza; that's upper respiratory tract. You, sir, have a norovirus, probably. Which is horrible and I feel sorry for you, but on the other hand, when I have one of those I feel marvellously thin afterwards.

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Excepting his sons and grandchildren, of course.

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Or, maybe Mittens can have us attack Iran...yeah, that's the ticket! We'll need more troops, more guns, bombs, flags, missiles, tanks, lapel pins, POW camps, bumper stickers. Shit, there'll be great American jobs coming out this poor little girl's butt. (Freedom ain't free, right?)


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Arbeit macht education frei.

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Does this job involve his horse, his lawn, or his Cadillacs?

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and then Romney revealed his plan to make military service mandatory for every new college graduate.

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