Close to perfect, dear chap, but in England they call it "icing".

Still, I fist you up good sir, I fist you up.

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Well, for the official fundraiser, attendees are apparently going to be required to show their US passport at the door, what with receiving foreign donations being illegal and all.

That speaking fee right in the middle of a campaign is "interesting", though, isn't it?

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Meh ...a couple of weeks would be nice.

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How is Obama not beating Romney by 20 points?

One word: TeaTards.

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Yay...more dishonesty and corruption!

How is Obama not beating Romney by 20 points?

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I can hear the sphincters snapping shut from here.

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The Breitbart cabal is trying to take some of the heat off this with: <b>Obama Campaign Celebrates Independence Day ... with Fundraiser in Paris</b> <a href="http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/Big-Hollywood\/2012\/06\/29\/Obama-European-campaign-July-4" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/06/29...">http://www.breitbart.com/Bi...

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Diamond pulled out of the fundraiser so he can devote more time to getting all medieval on the Bank of England and members of government. I'm sure he wouldn't want to burden his buddy Mittens with a shit storm of hubris and invective.

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Did Rmoney fellate them all, or did he delegate? Because sometimes the personal touch matters.

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so i hear bob's about to appear b/4 parliament and it's sposed to be explosive.

(rubs hands in glee).

rock on mittens and bain capital.

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