And their students who take their faith seriously objecting to the political Pac associated with the college.Per Evan.


"What they're pissed off about is this "think tank" hosted by Liberty, called the Falkirk Center, which is the babydoll of Jerry "When I Think About You I Touch Myself While I Watch You Fuck My Wife (Allegedly!)" Falwell Jr. and small-faced Trump fascist weirdo Charlie Kirk. (Kirk got an "honorary doctorate" last year from Liberty, which means even less than an honorary doctorate from a real college.) The Liberty kids are concerned that the Falkirk Center, which as Joe.My.God notes is not a normal "think tank" in that it doesn't do academic research or any other kind of "thinking," is just fucking destroying their Christian witness. Joe also notes that Falwell's name no longer is on the Falkirk Center's website, even though he literally founded it with Kirk last year. (Get it? Fal-Kirk?)"

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And name it after Stacey, while they are at it.

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His remarks about White people contributing nothing to society probably annoyed them too!

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Yeah, he even plays golf with them.

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You would have to ask Rebekah Jones, the data scientist, who was fired for keeping the accurate stats.

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Especially since we so rarely are in a position to do so.

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The way he humps them you do NOT want to use the Luma-light.

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I know they would! I have friends and family in Florida, and there are a mixed bag of political and ideological leanings. The sane ones really would hate it if Florida became more Trumpish. TBH, despite that there are so many older people who vote Republican and claim to be conservative, I think it’s almost logistically impossible to actually be as conservative as they claim, if they live anywhere with people in it. The small isolated hamlets in the rural regions and gated communities can potentially house true believers, but short of that, they are at perpetual exposure to multiculturalism and young folks in skimpy clothes and food with flavors and music that you can actually dance to and a bunch of nightlife and subcultures and art and enough foreigners to make Florida its own country. I know, Republicans are hypocrites. So what they claim and what they actually do are different things.

And Florida already has its own special variety of ‘Florida-man’ that is far more entertaining than Trump.

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GMTA, I was trying to work on phrasing, like the rowing crew kind of chanting, stroke, stroke, stroke!

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Sadly, since some snowbirds are here in spite of Death-Santis's abysmal handling of the plague, they aren't paying attention to reality.

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Desantis is a stupid, shitheaded asshole. And of course a buttload of Flovidians love him. He poisoned the Gulf, he's clueless in regards to the environment's importance to the #1 industry in that state of stupid, and he's a gushing sycophant in regards to all things tRump.

I always figure he won the election only because he looks like a dumbass quarterback from your high school team. God knows they love dumbass QBs.Good on those government officials who shot down this asshatted idea.

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It never ceases to amaze me how GOPers seem to think that, once elected, they get to use the power and reach of the government to run wild with their personal agendas.

It's like they have no clue what government is for, and think their election entitles them to use government resources and personnel like their servants.

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Cape Girardeau, MO. Although I don’t know that he’ll be buried in the one cemetery in the city proper; the Limbaugh family and their law firm (long since defunct, I believe) has what might be politely called an unseemly reputation. One going back more than a century.

I didn’t know about the statue of Rush, I surely never heard a kind word spoken about him or his family in all my summers spent there with my grandmother. She was an RCAF nurse who married an American after the war, and every summer from age 3 1/2-17ish, I would fly down and she would drive me all over to “go see the Americans.” I only recall her saying anything about the Limbaugh family and Rush once, when there was some kind of kerfuffle over a small donation or something being made to one of the hospitals. The donor wanted civic recognition for the pittance, the hospital handed the money back, my grandmother said it was a shame for someone who took so much to give so little.

Don’t know, though, haven’t been back since her funeral in 2009. He might well have come to his senses and given money to Cape.

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That figures. The reddest part of that map is outlined by Lake Conway, with its lots of lakefront old-money mansions. How about that...lakes can vote in Florida. /<sarc>

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