good thing we know her name, that she was in the employ of the United States Army, and there is certainly some photographic evidence from that period, along with the ability of the DoD to withhold any payment to any bank account she might have registered in her name.Isn't it amazing how easy it is to force people magically appear when they have nowhere to hide?

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Robyn, you're such a tease - starting a sentence with "While DeSantis is likely already being tortured..." and then not following up with a graphic description on of him on the rack just leaves me sad and disappointed.

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This is interesting:


The difference in criminality levels between the two parties is nothing if not spectacular! And this is only up to 2018!

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He found his health secretary hiding under a vaccine-denying rock. He's a full bore loony.

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if they convict does that make him ineligible to governor?

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porn spam bot - reported

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but i think he'll be more difficult to get rid of

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So this fucking asshole wants to be prezident?

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Bwahahahahaha. Good to know, Thanks for the heads up. Loved *magically appear when they have no where to hide *

'Member the really scary news story about the purty & super sexy athletic but seemingly straight sociopathic and yet probably smart-on -some -level lady yoga instructor in Austin, Tejas who allegedly shot (?!) her estranged boyfriends also super beautiful, free spirit, disciplined much loved & cool girlfriend ? Alleged lady shooter slipped through a TEJAS RANGER dragnet ( the hell ? With the Lone Star Rangers rep & Chris Kyle whaaaaaat ? )

Actually made it right onto a direct flight to NYC !!! Slipped STRAIGHT THROUGH DALLAS (?!) AIRPORT security like it was a giant Swiss Cheese hole.

[Is this possibly the so called FAKE NEWS stuff ?! * Nectar Gan ?!* As it were ? Because how did she evade the Lone Star Rangers ?!They wanted to see where she would go. How she would jump. Thats my take. No.

The story was picked up by hundreds of news outlets. I mean no disrespect to the the slain woman or her family, friends- all those who survived her.

But just because I read it in the newspaper and on the web - how do I know without a shadow of doubt that it's true ?

Because the US supposedly has a free, open, and astronomically high standard for broadcast news ? [And fact checking is really a thing *HI Alex Jones, lookin' @ U.*]

Because how does a lone moll on the run make through Dallas Airport having just slain her boyfriends ex ?!?

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I'm really happy to hear this. I was worried when they were sent to Martha's Vineyard they were going to end up thousands of miles away from wherever they had to check in and where their immigration cases are being heard, among all of the other horrors.

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Assuming she 'disappeared' and wasn't 'disappeared.'

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Well, that, and NEED MORE ATTENTION!!

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Money laundering?

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Yep, that's the one. It's a train wreck of biblical proportions even by trump standards.

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*a tiny kernel of corn

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