With gerrymandering and voter suppression, 38% serves as a majority.

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And the only path through their primaries

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Look at those piggy little eyes in that fat face.

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When you consider where sheriffs come from, that should give you pause.

It's usually through the ranks.

Now, who gets hired into the ranks? High-school graduates who like military toys and want to use them. Racist sympathizers. "And some, I suppose, are good people."

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And here I thought those only worked for water, and in the hands of Illuminati!

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O Canada?

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Now you've got the bit between your teeth.

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To be sure, in central Europe they used to bury people in spiked coffins if there was some doubt about their status. As vampires. They'd also put the skulls between the ones or under the feet.

Medieval history. Nothing quite like it.

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Sure.People who eat horse dewormers in order to cure a virus infection know whats's best for the health of their children.

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Probably, but why do they have it attached along the topside of the flag instead of the left side? I think that's what threw me.

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on the face of it I look like a typical white suburban woman who might vote republican but in actual fact I'd only vote republican if it were 1956 & Martin Luther King Jr were running on their ticket for President. these people use Lincoln's good(ish) name to commit evil daily.

there certainly are ignorant & ostrich-minded (as well as true believers/racists) white women in the burbs & elsewhere who foolishly vote Republican under the impression those bastards might ever believe in equality or fairness. no, they simply believe in the fairness of the dollar & the more dollars you have the more "fairness" you get.

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Jeez. (That's all I have.)

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Like states' rights, it seems like parents' rights are only invoked when people want to be shitty parents.

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Biden won simply by not being a senile obese orangutan. The shambling zombie corpse of Richard Nixon could have run in his place and won (and still have been a better president than TFG).

Even conservatives were appalled by what was unfolding under Rump, sure they liked the repeal of regulations and tax cuts, but the Banana Republic incompetence was making the US a laughing stock and cutting into their international business, and that they couldn't abide. It wouldn't surprise me to some day read that the Republican Party leadership paid the voting machine companies to make sure that Rump lost.

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One of Manatee County Floriduh's deputy sheriffs just died after two weeks in hospital with Covid. He was 67 years old. The cops will hold a full-on "law enforcement" spectacle in his honor. Undoubtedly no masks allowed and Governor DeMAGA will attribute the deputy's death to "old age."

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Election fraud. While they deplore non-existent "voter fraud" with one hand, they are tossing Democratic election results and declaring themselves winners with the other.

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