As they say, the cruelty is the point. DeSantis will use quotes from this interview, without a lick of shame, to curry votes with the ‘Murica crowd while accusing his opponents of wanting terrorists on every street corner.

We don’t have a DeSantis problem. Our asdhole infestation is much bigger than that.

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He's really a quite horrible piece of non-human excrement.

I try not to hate, but I despise the little shit with every fiber of my being.

He's such a petty little shit.

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Ron DeSantis is that presidential candidate villain from The Dead Zone

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Greg Stillson.

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I thought that about Ted Cruz in 2016. Maybe that’s what all the republicans are. Also, fuck Ted Cruz.

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Thank you. It's been I don't know 35 years since I read that book and couldn't remember the name

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Always and forever, fuck Ted Cruz

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I don’t always remember things like that either. My memory is a little like a casino😁

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Just another cog in the wheel of a machine that no one will ever face charges for building and running. Hell - his supporters probably see this as a plus, sick fucks that they are.

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I wish I could say that this information will matter to anyone who was already considering voting for this guy.

My only hope, and I won’t hold my breath over it, is that Trump would attempt to use it against him. But Trump loves the idea of torture, so if anything, he’s completely jealous that he didn’t get to over see this.

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