So this is why Saudis can rape our Southwest?

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The Chinese Exclusion Act and the Asian-targeted Immigration Act are why Anne Frank, six million other Jewish family members, and an equivalent percentage of Roma could not flee the Nazis.

The slaughter of Jewish people and Roma could not happen without anti-Asian hate.

So this time, let's start by stopping anti-Asian hate.

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I agree that there might be constraints on international investment in housing.

That is not what is happening here.

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Barring any foreign national is not racist.Barring any Chinese is racist.

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So you're saying it's a win-win for them.

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No, that’s just bad water management. No one should be able to do that.

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obviously... whatever the intent, this is gonna bite the Florida real estate market in the butt (not a bad thing, necessarily!)

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Ask any anti-China MAGAt to read the "Made in" labels of every product in his or her home.

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Paesan! I don't do the pledge, either, but sometimes they do it over the loudspeaker. I've already explained to the kids that they don't have to say it, but to stand respectfully, which is what I do.

Even in commie Massachusetts, I worry I'm going to get a wingnut texting me on Class Dojo. But, you know, I've already allowed my kids freedom of expression and if I got fired for that, it would be worth it.

You and I and many other teachers across the country are doing a little malicious compliance and we can't stop. We have to do it. We have to get these kids ready for the world. I'm lucky I have good families - this is a majority minority city and probably 80% of my students either came here from somewhere else or are first generation. I tell them all the time they need to sit up and understand what's going on in the world. Of course, sometimes they tell me they're not sure they'll live to be adults with all that's going on :(

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It does seem odd, because he’s obviously not being sued for something that he did in his capacity as President. He just happened to be president at the time the Trump Org business records were falsified.

I’m actually more concerned as to what this could potentially mean for state charges brought by DA Willis, as that would probably be a closer question.

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I don’t expect a brilliant motion from his lawyers. Seems like I read today was a deadline for filing. Did he ?

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Thanks for the "countryman" greeting. I'll have to look up the Czech word for it. I have never and would never tell the kids they don't have to do the Pledge. I am afraid it would land me in hot water with admin. I mean, I can think of a few situations where I might be inclined to tell them that, especially if asked, but I'd probably tell them to defer to school rules. Also depends on what grade. I need to keep bringing $$ in until I get another enterprise going.Related to this, on "Columbus Day" a principal said something about it over the PA that was totally erroneous... as you might imagine. Blew me away. (and she's one of my favorite principals). School secretary was unaware of reality as well. Years ago a home school mom got pissed at me for bagging on Columbus. Said to my HR person I should keep my opinions to myself. "Opinions". Right.

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Yes, I'm afraid Columbus is whitewashed (pun intended) around here, too, though I'm glad we're calling his "day" Indigenous Peoples Day. Interestingly, the kids seem to know that Columbus no es bueno. I wonder if some of them had a teacher last year who told them. I've said right out that he was a terrible person. I don't think I'd get fired for it. Maybe talked to... but I no longer care. I am sick and tired of reality being an opinion. I haven't had anyone push back at me, and I'm fortunate that the other 4th grade teachers on my team aren't crazy MAGAs.

As far as the Pledge, yeah, you have to watch out for yourself. I didn't tell the kids out of the blue. Some of them were fooling around when they were saying it on the loudspeaker and I didn't want to yell at them, but I did want them to be respectful. The students in my district speak 84 different languages, and even though some of their parents were military, they don't feel that religiosity towards the flag. Interestingly, the kid that was fooling around the most is part of a military family that they're going to visit in San Diego this week.

I think because this is a career change for me, I'm not as invested in worrying about my career as much as kids learning the truth. If they carry nothing into adulthood from this year except learning to think critically and learning how to listen attentively, my job is done. That and grammar. I want them to remember grammar :D

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If the ground floor gets flooded and collapses, your flood insurance would cover you. Just sayin'

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No that's what I meant when I mentioned Private Equity firms. No one should be able to own all the rentals and jack up the rates without tax potentialities that make it not worth it.

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Is there any bar too low for DeathSantis to slither under?

The man is a fucking menace - as are the assholes here in Florida who are enamored of him.

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