Maybe Democrats from the 19th Century did that. You know, the party pf the KKK, which conservatives reminding us about.

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No such thing as a bad cheese curd, Ron is just getting dumber

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Sheesh, you southern folk just don't understand; every true Yankee born north of the 45th parallel knows that Cheez Whiz is for snorting, curds are for boofing.

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This is what Republicans do. It’s who they are. They lie, because they believe everyone lies. They cheat, because everyone probably cheats. They can’t win elections with solid voter turnout without suppression, intimidation, gerrymandering, or outright cheating. And ANYTHING goes, it seems, these days. Because inside their warped minds, Dems must be cheating if we consistently beat whatever misshapen person they offer as a candidate. Enough is enough. Reform campaign finance. Expand voting rights. Protect election integrity and officials. End gerrymandering. Welcome a new era of democracy and progress in America.

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“Maybe they all want to do a naked lumberjack Santa calendar with JD Vance called “Hillbilly Bowl Full Of Jell-egy” and JD was like “Face hair or it didn’t happen, boys.””

OMG. I needed that. Never leave us, Evan.

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Give Ron a break. He's just feeling lonely. All the craziness is in the House, and those poor journalists in the MSM have forgotten that Ron's there, he's stupid, and he's not going to take it anymore.

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RonJohn is a fucking idiot. Ta, Evan.

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Wisconsin goddam

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O Wisconsin. once you provided leading lights like La Follette and Wellstone, now you send us a lying dim bulb like Ronnie the Johnsonhead. Okay, you did good with Tammy Baldwin, but an atrocious old traitorous fool such as this peckerhead Johnson, one of the worst of Putin's pilotfish, that is simply NOT ON. Think what Tailgunner Joe would have thought of his seat being given to the catemite of a Russian dictator. Please, Badgers, do better.

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Wellstone was from Minnesota, not Wisconsin. If you're going to slam us Badgers (who did not vote for RoJo en masse) please do better.

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I humbly beg your pardon, though I think ANY state would be proud to claim the late Paul Wellstone.

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I live in Wisconsin and he's a FUCKING LUNATIC!

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objective reality - what even is it?

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“I didn’t come prepared”

Hell of a campaign slogan, Ronny.

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It's true. I'm a democrat and just the other day I was on a slate of fake electors...wait...hold on...was that in one of ron johnson's dreams? Hmmmm...

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It could very well have been an Arby's.

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You'd be surprised how some folks can be bribed so easily with curly fries.

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Wait so if Republicans insist on using that 1960 Hawaii case as evidence then they have to concede that Hawaii was already a state when Barack Obama was born.

They must be so conflicted

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Chuck Todd interviews

US Senator Ron Johnson


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Ain't nobody that cares for this tool told Johnson this beard is a good look.

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That's because the person you're describing doesn't exist.

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