I will try to be more "civil."

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Hi, perhaps you didn't see the note about please reading our commenting policy. I would suggest you do so. We don't call for anyone to die here. No, not even after a trial for treason.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Crazy, perhaps. The Trump administration's antics can do that to you, even long distance. Not crazy enough to really believe in lizard aliens who assume the semblance of a President -- yet -- but just give me two more years, if the orange man hasn't been charged by then with obstruction of justice, at least. And the mention of Senator Warren was a reference to HIS obsession with her DNA. Guantanamo for him -- was wishful thinking.

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Ugh "pro-Assange". So redonkulous they don't even need to be paid to proxy for him.

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I guess I’m talking more about the Anonymous types. I know many of them were vehemently anti-Hillary and pro Assange, but I guess I was half-expecting a shift. Trump’s cult is worse (and has arguably ruined more lives) than Scientology.

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Oh I never expected them to do anything pro-Hillary in 2016. It would have been seen as a pro estabIishment thing. I’m just saying now, knowing what we all know, it surprises me (a little bit) that (unpaid, non-government) US hackers haven’t mounted a serious defense against the troll army or I dunno, get ANYTHING damaging on Trump. Reality Winner I guess is the closest thing I can think of, but she’s, you know, not a hacker. Trump is The Establishment now. He repealed Net Neutrality. Why aren’t they gunning for him?

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I've read all of this stuff before. Most of it is speculative, or putting together things that could appear suggestive but aren't proven and in some cases, aren't even connected. Some of it is flat out false. I'm automatically suspicious because the amount of attention it gives to Diebold which got out of the election business nearly a decade ago. The Saxby Chambliss "tell" has been used by elections conspiracy theorists forever. Ossoff's race was always a long shot. Every election has these little glitches into which elections conspiracy theorists read a lot. I know this is very exciting, thrilling and glamorous, but the facts are massaged, and most likely Ossoff just lost a tough race. I think one of the reasons we do this is it's very hard to accept that voters make these awful choices we don't care for; it's more comforting to believe we were cheated out of a victory.. But they do and we weren't.

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Scottie Walker is no prize. Reelecting him was a huge mistake, with his presidential aspirations and all.

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Ask Scottie Walker. He knows.

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Yes, but it wasn't Putin who did that. It was people like Scottie Walker and here in Ohio Secretary of Voter Suppress ... I mean STATE ... Jon Husted. And we KNOW they did this. To what degree it impacted the result we don't know, but we do know Trump carried Wisconsin by only 22,000 votes while around 200,000 were purged from the voter rolls and another couple of hundred thousand were estimated not to have the limited forms of ID ing accepted to vote.

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Talk to Scottie Walker about it. I think he's a hub of guilt.

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Problem is that, as glamorous as the idea is, tilting the election wasn't really about "hacking," other than some emails they mischaracterized to feed their propaganda. It was more about spreading lies about Hillary to discourage voting and encourage apathy. An aggressive campaign from the left supporting Hillary and holding the media accountable for its coddling of Trump while building minor Hillary missteps into major scandals would have been the proper way to fight back. But at the time, we didn't really know that these were Russian trolls and many assumed there were a lot more "never Hillary" dead-enders than there actually were.

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He has a pretty good idea of how to protect the Milwaukee Catholic Diocese from lawsuits: lobby against a bill extending the statute of limitation for sexually abused kids.

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To be fair to Ron Johnson, there is indeed a bigger threat to democracy in Wisconsin than Russia: the Wisconsin GOP. While it's clear to me that the Russians did indeed use propaganda in social media to sway voters on the left into not voting for Hillary, he is right that elections themselves are locally run and that IN WISCONSIN no one is acting as a check on Scottie Walker and his gang when they purge hundreds of thousands of voters and tighten up unnecessary-to-begin-with ID laws to disenfranchise many more. When is pedophile protector Ron Johnson going to call out the Wisconsin Republican Party?

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Thank you. The Russian/Kochs and other assorted criminal oligarchs in collusion with them have to more damage the this Country that we know, yet. Pray to God the dems take over the house investigative and oversight committees. And also, vote. And get everyone you know to vote.

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