Hurrah, SOLD!! *does back flips from excitement*

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~sigh~ TOOL LIBELZ! He's nothing so useful nor elegant of purpose: RoJo is a fuckin' disgrace and an abomination forever, amen.

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Excellent. This is also why I cringe whenever an employer says that everyone is like family. I would say, What? The Addams Family? But I happen to think the Addams Family was delightful.

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The procedure is a breeze and if you're awake enough you can get a tour of your colon. It's the prep that is to be feared. I wish they'd come up with a cleanser drink that didn't taste so awful. If we can put a man on the moon...

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Dumb they may be, but also important is that they are employed by conservative owners who like the republicans are good for the economy paradigm.

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I say there's no such thing as useless etymology!

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Your last line confused me, because it looks like you're calling him Dr. Ron Johnson.

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As one of his constituents (who hates him with the heat of a thousand suns) I don't know of one single action positive or negative this POS has done for our state. Oh, except for attending some WI Republican dinner after having been exposed to Covid, magnanimous asshole he is.

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Hah--Dick Johnson was the name of the host of a popular Milwaukee t.v. show called "Bowling for Dollars." Wisconsin is full of Johnsons-make of that what you will.

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How the fuck did Johnson become a Senator?

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You're backed up all right, and full of shit!

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Like Hoover's?Or Dubya's?

Or Trump's?

Kid stuff. We're aiming for a Commie hellhole of despair like Sweden.

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They'd rather be millionaires in a land of paupers than billionaires in a land of millionaires.

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This is exactly how this fool got elected here in WI--He was courted by every conservative talk radio show in the state and during the reign of Scott Walker, another mendacious idiot, the Republicans were everywhere in every form of media spouting their lies. Ron Johnson campaigned at my former workplace and I can recall the horror of one of my co-workers who stated afterward, "Another Tea Party lunatic!" Yet both of us were naively confident he would be no match for Russ Feingold. (Sigh)...It sucks to have been so wrong.

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"I'm a self-made man!!!1!!@@!!1%!"

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Republicans are responsible for every recession or depression we have had in a century.

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