If you look at the moon, they don’t have any free market systems and property rights and they have a terrible drought, and there's no air, and it's cold all the time.

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"only the rich people would get food, and then the poor would die off and the rich would have more because they wouldn't have to share with the dirty non-producers.... then there would be no one to do the grunt work, and you would have to create more poor folk to keep the rich, well, rich..."

Sounds pretty much like where the GOP is taking us.

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Apparently Jesus thought the temple market should be regulated.

Anyway, the lost Gospels then go on to describe how the job creators moved south to Egyptixo for cheap labor (slaves).

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"...One Star State..."


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The TP'ers believe in the perfection of ancestors. They're practically Confucian about it. The Constitution was perfect until we fucked it up starting with the 13th Amendment. The Bible is perfect and provides all the lessons we need. I'm waiting for them to also call for a return to biblical medicine (health care reform!) and one Representative for every 30,000 citizens.

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Nelson Mandela?

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Don't forget the pirates! ARRRGGGHHHH.

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These guys play fast and loose with what may be considered socialism. But China is unquestionably socialist* and runs a booming, highly successful economy in part by embracing the principles the TP'ers espouse: little environmental regulation, low wages (probably no minimum wage), etc. _______________________________ * one-third of U.S. GDP is public sector; same as China, though in different segments

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I think what Ron Paul meant was not that socialism causes famines, but that, somehow, socialism makes you <i>feel</i> like you're starving. I know that when I was in Norway, people had trouble dragging me away from the <i>koldtbord</i>. I didn't really need another helping of dilled shrimp, but the socialism drove me to it.

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Since socialized medicine came to Ireland, how many times has that country run out of potatoes?

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Sean Hannity?

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I like where you took that, bravo!

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Libertarianism is just anarchy with cops to beat people up who don't like living in anarchy.

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Libertarians just want to watch the world burn.

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i would like to point out the lack of gov't regulation in many of the countries one assumes dr paul is referencing. but on the same day dr. paul's moron son is undergoing intense scrutiny for backing gov't intervention when a fucking bridge on his watch is about to implode, really, the schadenfreude just takes over.

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<i>africa doesn't have any free market systems and property rights</i>

dr paul, implying all of africa is somalia is a little like saying all of america is texas.

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