The big topic will be the design of the official RNC Kevlar convention vests. Everyone will be wanting one, so how they look is going to be a big issue. (The color scheme is a given.)

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I preferred the one that said "Ice Cube's a pimp."

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If there's not a convention floor fight in Tampa, I am going be as disappointed as someone at a "Dark Shadows" screening.

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<i>'let's go to the parking lot!!!'</i>


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After the washing machine's fixed.

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It would be pretty bad for his son if Paul lost big in Kentucky. Then again, his son had better get used to being a cult-like loser like his pop.

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Ron Paul, the DC Miser and the Galveston Porkmaster. He stands on the stage telling everyone how he hates Federal disaster aid, yet in 2009, the year after Hurricane Ike, Galveston county received $14,707/resident. Shit, Joan of Wasilla couldn't even do that as a 50% term Governor.

I hope the old fart gets redistricted out of existence.

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I am eagerly anticipating some good deals on used blimps and I don't mean that collection of sweater puppies up in that photo. Jeez, get minds out of the gutter.

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I love how the video, which presumably should have caught the back-punching had it actually occurred, is edited to start with the accusation of back-punching.

Just like you don't see the car that is alleged to have attempted to run some people over.

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