Anton Walbrook, exceptionally well. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/wat..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcZ6fnRLDLU">https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Transactional as in \"Your need for abuse is exchanged for my hard-on.\" See Roark, Howard and Francon, Dominique.

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Ron Paul, Glenn Beck <em>and</em> Sean Hannity? Are we sure the presence of all three won't cause the film to spontaneously combust out of shame?

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Where will craft services find an adequate supply of salted rat dicks?

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He pronounces the last name like the abbreviation for research and development.

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You could read <i>Atlas Shrugged,</i> or you could read <i>Remembrance of Things Past,</i> as they are works of roughly equal <i>avoirdupois.</i> One is rewarding, life-changing literary experience. The other is some typing by a weird woman.

And as railroad buff I can report that Ayn Rand doesn't know anything more about railroads than she does about human behavior, social organization, or loving, non-transactional sex.

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They did a great job on him in Hamlet, anyway

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... and Anus Burgers with cut up hot dog's

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