SB: I know the "standards" of the Gilded Age were different. However, even for that time I think the Grant Administration was fairly judged as rather corrupt.

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Wouldn't the Dead Reagan be "Mourning in America?"

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"Show's over, Synergy!"

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Why is Huckabeeeeee being so cunty to DW Schultz? Seems a bit inhospitable for a southern gentleman

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Uncle Sugar?? I'm gonna go ahead and say that's racist, without even googling it.

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No, on Ann.

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Oh my man, I love him so...

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I hope it was a legitimate rapture.

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hologram reagan will be more lifelike than mitt romney.

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masturbating furtively? Does this involve out favorite plastic GOP babe Jenna Jameson?

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Exactly. I quake in fear at the thought of all those people who are on the fence seeing a computer mockup of a guy who left the Oval Office in nineteen-freakin'-eighty-nine. This could grab so many undecided independents that I feel sorta queasy.

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I would rather see a hologram of Senators Glass and Steagall telling everyone how former Senator Phil Gramm and his wife who worked for AIG how they fucked up banking laws.

And to remind everyone, Ronny Raygun is fucking dead and is worm food.

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The two Administrations of Ronald Reagan were the most corrupt in modern times - certainly since Warren Harding, and perhaps since US Grant.

Between 130 and 140 administration figures were indicted, went to jail, resigned in disgrace, etc.

There was Iran-Contra, Wedtech, the HUD scandals, influence peddling galore.

In 8 years the Federal debt increased by some 275%.

We had the largest Federal income tax increase in Ameican history - including the much-loved AMT.

Why in the world would the GNoP want to bring all that mess up again?

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