From their Disqus profile it appears they are South African and really, really, really concerned about the teevee reception in their mother's basement. Poor thing. Must be a life of hardship. And no one appreciates their sheer manliness. Boo hoo.

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"Dudelet" is beautiful.

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While that may be true, the REALLY sad part is Jamar has trouble doing that brain thing. Here, on some Rooshy website, Jamar does social analysis:

"Because that is what they give them because the men their married too didn't have the balls to give it too them."


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Is that you, Donald?

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Keep dreaming of that ass you'll never have, as is the custom of your deeply frustrated brethren.

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You mean, boy-like? Interesting. (Not that there's anything wrong with having crushes on boys. That is totally fine--you just cannot call yourself a hetero dude at that point.)

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Next? Really? Just how many times do you need people to make a fool of you before you realize it's probably better you focus on your midterms now?

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Maybe "rape gangs" is a little too much short-hand. Still. This was the plan (and I planned to go to the local one to point and laugh and hurt people if I had to, but of course, they all got cancelled). http://blavity.com/alleged-...

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No! Wrong word! No one should! Wonkette, is it okay to wish a very unpleasant yet non-lethal disease on someone?

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Tuna libel! One can make quite tasty dishes with canned tuna, thankyouverymuch. Tuna shall not be collateral damage in the Roosh Rumpus.

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He hasn't banged anything or anyone. These are just fevered fantasies, fueled by his mama's internet access, and all of the pornhubz.

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Roosh should be less concerned with women having an education than with your apparently *not* having one.

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My ex-husband (yeah, I'm not proud of that) maintains Watson was an FBI plant. Not saying my ex-husband was Rooshy, but close.

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Eastern Europe, or maybe the Phillipines, are your answer in Rooshtopia. Economic deprivation is a known aphrodisiac.

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I was thinking Ann Coulter. Also a pox a guys who don't like real women, i.e. Ladies with meat on their bones.

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I'm not surprised that your reading comprehension is rather weak.

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