"By pretending that somehow all the delegates to the GOP convention will arrive in Cleveland in July and come to their senses, a viewpoint that incorrectly assumes these people ever had sense to start with."

A very bad assumption. During their 2012 convention the Todd Akin remarks were a big news story. A guy with a camera interviewed several people at the convention who agreed with Akin's claim that "legitimately" raped women would not get pregnant. Welp.

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He went to Harvard. I think he got the job more through that old boys network. Trust me, our private school was not that good. It wasn't like Tufts or the ones where everyone's parents are super rich and important and you room with people who become the leaders of society. Hell, it was a day school.

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Oh god, what must it be like to be a self-styled moderate Republican writing for the New York Times right now?

Wasn't Douthat hired as the cultural conservative columnist, replacing Kristol's replacement of Safire?

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Has-been? That works.

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The only ones who can save the rightwingers from themselves is themselves, and that's only if they stop being self-centered assholes which is pretty much the definition of rightwinger these days.

Which means of course they are doomed.

Like I've said of Douthat before, if he wants his precious right to be saved, don't do that anymore.

All of them must, but they won't.

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Bernie or Hillary, and all the Democratic voters who not only show up this year and punch a a STRAIGHT DEM TICKET but MORE IMPORTANTLY don't forget to get off their assess and DO IT AGAIN in 2018 AND 2020 and 2022!

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Can Ross Douthat's goatee and Chuck Todd's goatee and all goatees just go off get a room somewhere and leave the rest of us alone. (Although someone should probably loan one to chinless wonder Reince Preibus).

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If they had a serious candidate in the first place this wouldn't be happening. All of them are loony. Even a blundering dilettante like Trump has more to offer.

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Every time I see that mans name, I see a B between the u and the t and a hyphen between the two Ts. I attribute it to some strange form of alcohol dyslexia. Anyway, I bet it's not his real name cause it's really dumb.

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Sad,and terrifying, alsotoo.

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Plus, the staggering proliferation of guns - including military-grade automatic weapons - is recent. Not even Reagan or Bush I presided over a GOP so thoroughly violent.

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Cruz yes. Trump not so sure.

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Foreign-born, so he can fuck right off.

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Republican voters have been happily betraying their country since 1980.

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