6. Coxswain 7. Brown starfish 8. Ratfuck

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I'd STILL hit it. W/ a brick. Of votes.

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He's got him an office, gold records on the wall. Just leave a message, maybe he'll call.

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sadly, it was joe wilson from somewhere southern fried who shouted 'you lie'.

not to be confused with TX joe (barton) who apologized to BP for the oil spill. or joe (not really joe) the (not really a) plumber.

but the confusion is understandable.

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please. he's talking about running for governor.

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Hard as it may be to agree with Rove on anything, just think how exquisitely painful it is for Rove to admit being flat-out dead wrong about using the Tea Party to engineer a Permanent Republican Majority. Yeah, how's that workin' out for you, Koch brothers?

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