That's a great thread and well worth the read.

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Jesus. And these people are different from the Taliban how exactly?

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Christofascist wierdos.

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I like it. Genderqueer red finches.

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You and Data. Go figure.

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Lots of folks weighing in on that one. A lot of conservatives, including social conservatives, find the Moore case to be repellant and those who would argue for him (and the sophistry is out there) to be contemptible.

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And Deborah and Esther cheering them on.

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No, no. You see, women are too stupid and incompetent to know how stupid and incompetent they are. Our job as men, apparently, is to keep you from blowing the place up with your confused woman brains. It's very much like the driving of cars. Women should be banned from doing it (i assume) not because we're afraid you'll take all our driving gigs, but because you'll get us all killed on the road with your squirrel brains...apparently. We're saving you (and us) from yourselves you see.

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It really does look like Roy Moore is splitting the party. I hope more Republicans leave. Political oblivion is only too good for them.

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sounds almost exactly like what isis would enjoy

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Good answer and deadset true.

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Uh ... they are OK with peaceful old men playing chess and kids flying kites?If that's not the right answer I am lost for one.

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I'm a fan of Jezebel too. She and Ahab got the bad press in the Bible not because of their wicked deeds so much as being rulers of the northern kingdom, Israel, while the scriptures were mostly written in the southern kingdom, Judah ... sort of like Abraham Lincoln's only surviving bio being written in the Confederacy.I always felt kind of sorry she didn't get to murder Elijah.

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