I am aware of a case in New Hampshire where someone tried to sue Satan and his staff. After cogent arguments by a respected local lawyer, the court determined that it could not obtain jurisdiction over Satan and dismissed the case. I imagine the court in Alabama would find similar difficulties in obtaining jurisdiction over God.

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I can hardly wait for Discovery.

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The look on Roys face was priceless when that Pedo-Meter went off on him...lol...To sue I think you have to prove its a lie..good luck with that Roy.

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The First Amendment Guarantees Freedom from Consequences Speech for Republicans. At least that's what they keep saying...

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I'd have to sue myself.

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Getting into - or at least trying to - a teenage girl’s pants by using your position as an assistant DA in your thirties, OTOH, is nothing to be ashamed about, or for.

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What turned out to be Burt's final movie came out last year. It's called The Last Movie Star and it was done by a young indy film director who was a big fan. It's semi-biographical. I highly recommend it to Burt Reynolds fans here---and to anybody who likes good movies. You'll need a hankie at the end, though. Heck, since he's left us, you'll now need two or three hankies to get through it.

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Oh, I've been there. I thought, if you just explain with facts and links, they will stop embarrassing themselves spouting nonsense. Instead, they just spout it to the next person.

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So, some farm hand, thinks calling someone overweight is a way to win an argument?That is not a persuasive point at all. He failed at "argument clinic" and he should have been in the abuse section instead.https://vimeo.com/25921512

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I wanted say they carried Uzi's but I didn't know if that was accurate. My friend (who has gone from being a commune dweller in the 60's, to some pro-Israel church, thus the trip.) was a bit put off, by the display.I was picturing Roy Moore trying to cruise the mall, there.

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What?? Where's my Land Rover?? AND WHAT HAVE YOU PEOPLE DONE WITH LORI??

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God. Henny Youngman must have been sued ALL THE TIME.

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You know, if you shake his hand, you've been given a (wait for it) .. Thai clasp. Thai clasp. You know, the things you use to keep your tie in place? "Tie clasp"? See, Thai clasp! *sigh* Never mind. I'll just show myself out.

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That only applies to Republicans, sorry.

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47. Plaintiff was directed to help himself to Defendant's wife via verbal contract, including the formal term "please" [verbatim] which is commonly understood as a signal of sincerity; yet no such wife was provided to Plaintiff by Defendant at any point.


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makes much more sense.

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