The sweeter they say it the worse the meaning.

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That sound you heard were all of the writers at 'The Onion' packing their shit & quitting.

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I'm told that Germans actually have organized tours for diddling under-aged Thai girls and boys. So most of those billions are Deutschmarks.

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Saigon in '68 had lots of bombs being tossed in bars and wired to jeeps and stuffed into bicycle frames. I was farther up country, myself. Bomb dropping was pretty much just done by us and Nguyen Cao Ky, who bombed his political opponents homes from planes that we gave him.

BTW, back then 14 was the age of consent in the North, I'm told, but 12 was legal in the Fascist South. Today, it's 14 EVERYWHERE in SE Asia (and most places in Europe).

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I've never actually heard the term 'blue hippo' used. Explanation? We used to have a great ice cream parlor here called the Purple Hippo.

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Did you check everyone's ID?

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The only one not to take his bribe in trade.

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And when they're 20, look 40.

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We were defending big oil and the MIC. Also LBJ's ego. We knew the oil was there before the Vietnamese did. MIC had a LOT of untested weapons (many of which didn't work very well).

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Famous 1933 meteor shower. Hundreds every minute.

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Roy was the CO.

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Everyone's attorney is going to hell.

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I never saw a whole whorehouse of them. The only time I was offered one it was on the street and the pimp was clearly her father. Her 8 year old brother was for sale, too. Because they were about 3 meals away from terminal starvation, I didn't kill him.

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That didn't save them from having a grenade tossed on TOP of them.

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I have no doubt of that. LA malls are horrible. It's a sad day when you can't even stop at Orange Julius without body armor.

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"Jesus Loves the Little Children" song---he's doing it wrong.

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