The entire modern GQP seems to be stuck in that liminal moment right before Reagan read his line: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Which, sure, good line, the writers have my compliments. But ... the fall of the Soviet Union happened already. That was not just more than a quarter century ago, it was nearly a third of a century, at this point. Some of the kids conceived as part of the celebration have had legal, adult sex and now have kids of their own. Some of those children of the celebratory babies are starting to hit puberty, now.

The point is: the leaders of Russia haven't claimed to be communist (or even particularly socialist) since December 1991 (formally). Leadership has long been openly nationalist and right-wing (and less openly but without any real shame authoritarian and corrupt).

It is a non-sequitur to respond to "That man is working for the (right-wing, fascist in practice if not in public ideology) Russian government!" with "I'm anti-communist." Yeah, fuckwit. So were Benito and Adolf.

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Poor Hunter Biden. I suspect the GQP is actively trying to stress him back into addiction, so they'll have a little bit more ammunition against his father. It's Benghazi Mk.II, with even less justification. Despicable.

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bite... ass.. come back to... if only i could get those words in the right order

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Not to be pedantic, but swap that around: My schaden gets more freude by the day. My “isn’t that a shame” gets more “joyful”... Makes more sense in the German.

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I am in no position to criticise anybody for being pedantic. But I think it makes more sense my way. My "joy" gets more "disgraceful" (because more exuberantly malicious) by the day.And does it ever!Charges against the whole rotten bunch! Trump himself! Giuliani Barr! Maybe Powell too!

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Never be ashamed of your joy at the misfortunes of horrible people.

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Cmon, Rudy has a hairdryer? (The vibrator, I believe. He was next door to a porn shop.)

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Do you think Rudy is smart enough to use a secure password, or would he just use his birthday or 654321, thinking the countdown digits would throw them off.

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"A rational person in Rudy's place..."

What's that law of physics about not being in two places at the same time? A rational person wouldn't go near Rudy's place - day or night.

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Did you read about the gentleman who took his son to a baseball memorabilia store and asked for an Ichiro card? The owner told him they didn't sell Pokemon.

[True story - I know because I read it on the Internets.]

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Have you ever been in downtown San Francisco (where Powell Street comes down and meets Market) and seen Frank Chu, the 12 Galaxies man?

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9/10... no period needed after Benghazis for full run-on sentence perfection.


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That's awesome! And Rudy crying has to be the male version of Tammy Fay Baker crying with the tears cutting channels through layers of makeup.

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last I checked, most of Nixon's lawyers ended up being convicted. Isn't Rudy old enough to remember that time?

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The Pauli exclusion principle. Named after Pauli Shore, who wouldn’t be caught dead in a room with Pauli Shore.

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