Fredo-con? Is that like Comic-con?

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..."Money For Nothing and your chicks for free."

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".... and oh, by the way, imagine if that Stormy business had come out just before the debates!"

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I cherish Giuliani's saying that Comey had to be fired because, because he REFUSED to say Trump was not under investigation. Did he think of this suddenly while sitting there, thinking it put Trump in a good, manly light? Because it gives a really pitiful picture of a man. On many many levels. The way Trump himself can talk about this over and over without blushing is a shocking thing but I suppose we're used to it in him, knowing he's this colossal wuss.

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But Democrats are illegal! That's why no Democrat can ever investigate a Republican!

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This is a complicated case. Lotta ins, lotta outs. Lotta what have yous...Lotta strands in the old dottard's head.

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There is nothing inherently wrong with a golden calf. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Obligatory Weird Al version 😎😎😎


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Good doG. TMI for one day. Time to turn in. Nighty night Jeaune Tom

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Combed-over strands of hair.

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Who is A) Whatever Schlicter? and B) Fredocon?

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After listening to the lawyers on Maddow tonight it is possible that this strategy will actually work in Dolt’s favor. Something something Dolt is not doing bad campaign finance stuff.

I need a drink...and I have a bad cough, https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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If they get away with it, Hoser Thrump is still admitting to the affair, with a porn star-whilst married and with new child, and theeeeeen, paying her off through a series of secret payments that they have lied about all along but are attempting to blow off now because caught.

He is the Preznident also too, not just some failed schmuck, deadbeat, 6 or 7 time loser with poor credibility and a propecia infused/shriveled dicked rage going on. He represents the office, the nation and supposedly whirled peas.

And there are more in the cue. Unleash the hounds!

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Or a new floor hole.

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I don't see the slightest evidence of the tiniest shred of actual human being in Donald. I think you have to be a human being to qualify as a wuss, and he doesn't qualify. The Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz was more human than Donald, and he was made of straw. Donald is a hollow shell, a walking bag of bones. Show me one single time in his entire life when he was willing to sacrifice one minute of personal pleasure or one dollar of his money to assist another human being, without gain to himself in some way. I can't find one.

I came to the conclusion about 35 years ago that some people have no souls. Either it was stolen from them as children through abuse or severe neglect, or they voluntarily surrendered it due to alcoholism or drug abuse, or they were simply born without one. I put Donald in the last category.

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Then he'll say, and I got the president to admit he's been the target of this investigation from the day it began!

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