Love the pinky ring. So made man, so "I'll cut your face when I punch you"

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Cary Grant.

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So say we all.

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Not that I am aware of.

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I should be so lucky to have her play me in my life story, which frankly isn't all that interesting.

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We used to play this game, where you say what actor would play you in the movie of your life. The key is never to tell someone else who you think would play them. It inevitably goes bad if that happens.

Anyway, someone once told me Helen Mirren should play me. At the time I was incensed, because she's a good bit older than I. But then I saw her in Gosford Park and realized that character is EXACTLY who I am. And then I learned she lived for many years with Liam Neeson and thought, sure, Helen Mirren can play me, Why not? And then she was in Red, and now I aspire to be that badass.

Who would you play to pick you in the movie of your life?

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I am slipping. It took me too long to get that.

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I am so over this administration and its hired babblers who may or may not also be implicated or under investigation or just plain stoopit, its endless obstructions and false flags and ludicrous cover-ups of crimes-not crimes-crimes-not crimes, and the sense of a clown car parked in a burning dumpster about to plunge off the cliff into the briny deep full of sharks and it's like enough already: Just fucking die, all of you, in a massively prolonged and incurable and agonizing dysentery outbreak. Or go to jail forever, I'm not terribly picky. I just want them to feel, just for once, what it's like to live uninsulated from their terrible actions and their horrendous decisions, like common Manaforts.

I'm tired of feeling like we're all being deliberately dumbed and numbed to somehow make this all better.

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To the Bat-Bunk!

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And they tacked on a penalty sentence addition for doing it within a half-mile from a Church. Is there anyplace in OK where you can get farther away from a Church?

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Latest update - they are all out! Just 4 rescuers left inside and presumably they will make it out find since they are professional divers.

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There was a BBC mini-series that was FAR better.

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Thank you for that.

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Mueller's investigation is entirely irrelevant. Congress will only act on his findings if Democrats are in control; and if Democrats control congress, we don't need Mueller's investigation.

All that matters is winning this next election.

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The Ghoul is no jewel, only fool’s gold falls out of his mouth.

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I realize I'm replying super late to your comment, but I too, have a huge crush on Annie Lennox. The first drag show I ever went to featured an Annie drag queen (dressed as Sweet Dreams video Annie) and I was SO mesmerized. Uh, and super turned on, which confused 18 yo me. Sorry, tmi...but I had to share because I *just* shared this college experience with my mom last evening.

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