Don't forget family values

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Rudy Giuliani advertising "October surprise" ... October 2016....why?

Because he's complicit of NY FBI Bureau leaking on James Comey...plus Guiliani was working with Newt Gingrich to make sure Clinton went down in late October.

Rudy Giuliani is responsible for FBI debacle and contributions he made to sabotage Hillary Clinton.

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Roodles limp noodles? Rudy in the nudey? Rudy the rancid repugnant wretch? I'm no good at dumb nicknames.

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But but but I thought they were the law and order party?

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That's all I got. I'll take that martini now, please.

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Ah, the classic debate of handspeed v. terminal momentum. I tip my hat to a fellow student of the sweet science.

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I too, am sick of hearing "we are better than this'. No. NO, obviously we are not better than this...or THIS would not be happening at all.

And I agree the idea that trump will not win a second term is pure fantasy. The odds are if he makes it to 2020 then he'll win in 2020 and that will be the end of the american experiment.

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Cheetohlini may not be, but there sure does seem to be a cabal with roots back to Nixon in some cases. And they very well might.

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Shit, the GOP has been doing this since Dubya and may farther back then that. Hair Fuhrer, or at least his staff, is just better at it.

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He was the first person I voted for in a general, and the only Republican ever. Of course, as a liberal Republican, he was last of a breed.

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That is a good suggestion that I had not even considered, probably because, as you say, it is"even scarier". That idea sends shudders throughout my body.

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How did he get through the Fox Screening process?

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'in a couple years'. Hmm. I onlie ingrish speeker due to being born n bread wiv a level so maybe I needed moar lerning. Across boarders?

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So how many e-mails were sitting in Comey's GMail account? Irresponsible not to speculate.

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