Have you seen video of the man the past week?

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Well, he's not wrong.

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Read about a teacher whose class was 50-50 hearing and profoundly deaf kids. The deaf kids had to be told that farts make a noise, and that's why the hearing kids were staring and sniggering.

The deaf kids were appalled at this invasion of their privacy, and demanded the hearing kids stop hearing their farts. The teacher had to explain hearing people can't just stop hearing farts, and that schoolkids are particularly likely to hear farts. Cue a long signed conversation about Classroom Fart Etiquette.

Ah, teaching. The gift that never stops giving.

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I dunno? If any of the Dump inner, INNER, circle pass: that would enrage the base for sure. Roodles has been acting "independently" for a time, so they might ignore him like roadkill.Which he abundantly deservesI hope I didn't violate the non-commenting policy! Sorry!

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Yessss! :)))

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Nope. They’ll say Rudy was murdered because he was uncovering the connection between the fake ballots and the satanic baby eating cabal led by Hillary Clinton.

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Pretty sure they grow monoclonal antibodies in a vat. That’s full of cells. That’s what I always assumed anyway.

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Thanks. Oh, the cancer registry is *asking* you. Yeah that makes no sense. I thought they were telling you and this was somehow interesting.

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Fart, fart, fartin', on Heaven's door.

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Won't they though? He will have been actually murdered, the way Zechariah Sitchin was murdered (when he was past ninety) to shut him up about the Annunaki of Planet X, which was definitely going to swing back through the inner solar system after 3,600 years (which strangely, hasn't happened). To a wingnut there is no such thing as a death from natural causes, or a mere random pointless murder.

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Rudy was rushed to Walter Reed Seed & Feed

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I can never tell if I'm looking at Rudy Giuliani or Fire Marshall Bill. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Spot on Kate McKinnon impersonation that Rudy is doing above. Maybe he has a future at SNL.

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I hope you at least got in a breakfast cocktail.

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So what happens if you fart in a crowded room inside and you’re not wearing pants? Asking for a friend

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was he ever active duty?

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