That's pretty good stuff you smoke.

It must be if it made you that stupid.

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And here you come to double down on the stupid.

The funny thing is you failed at it, pretty much like everything in your life, I suspect.

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No, just idiots like you trying to be smart.

Mind you, it's very amusing watching you try.

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oh jeez, another idjit. You lose all credibility when your first two 'quotes' are deliberate misquotes from the RW designed to intentionally distort what he actually said. FAIL

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No reason why he can't be both.

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One has to wonder what your criteria for "worst president in history is". Must be based on number of unpaid for wars 'cause it sure isn't based on the economy...

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Because they save them up and make monuments to stoopid out of them in their own special thread. :D

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If you think ANYONE has to "give" a Muslim "the crusades talking point" then it becomes clear why AP history classes need to be protected...

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"you didn't build that": Breitbart and Faux edited out the line right before that statement where it was clear the context was about INFRASTRUCTURE, not "businesses". And he's right. "Self made" successes are not "self made" if they benefitted from public schools, roads, bridges, police, fire department, etc. You know, "the socializms".

"Bitter clingers" was simply accurate. All that says about what's "in his heart" is that dumbass gun-worshipping pretend "Christians" are dumbasses, which is what anyone who doesn't fit that description would say. Reassuring to those of us who don't want to buy into the premise that dumbass redneck gunworshipping pretend "Christians" equal " 'Rill 'Mericans".

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Home of the free! ...from having to serve your country. ;P

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LOL The best part about you guys' comments? Josh Evony and fastaire will go to their graves wondering why they didn't get deleted. :))

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I dunno about that, he seems to have a pretty self destructive pathology on display lately.

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...But more sense than declaring Ketchup a "vegetable".

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I see... so "words from a politician" are "garbage", unless they happen to reinforce the narrative of your choice, in which case they are "defining"? Shall we go through all the Bush/Cheney quotes and see which ones outraged you? "Iraq has WMD"? "Deficits don't matter?" "Bin Laden isn't important, I'm not even thinking about that guy"?

LOL But I kid, because we both know the number is ZERO.

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Though that gets more challenging when one of them pulls a gun on you.

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Dear Fastaire: you're right--these anonymous Republicans are a scourge. What can we do to get them to follow the excellent model of Mr. Giuliani and speak on the record? We welcome your suggestions.

When decent, patriotic Republicans say what they think on the record, it's always a great benefit to America.

Yours sincerely,Hillary Clinton

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