A lifetime of grift and crime for Trump. Decades of Dominionist planning for Pompeo.

All brought down by Rudy fucking Giuliani, America's crazy drunk uncle. WTF even is this timeline?

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But then Trump sees all of this and thinks it's all multidimensional chess moves and Trump will spring his awesome closing gambit any second now.

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I bumbled into a Solomon 'article' a few weeks ago (seems like years, eh?). As I was reading it, I thought to myself 'why sort of fresh new hell is this? insanity in print? wut?' and consequently did a bit more reading (found his other 'articles'/aka opinion screed) on The Hill, and a bit of his background. Look, you just *know* his is paid by Mercer, et al. Every dang thing he writes is spinopoly.

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I have started turning all the stamps on my letters upside down to indicate this country is in distress.

(I know half of you are saying "Stamps? Letters? WTF?)

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Thanks. :)

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Didn't Morocco Mole sound like Peter Lorre?

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Horse will take a dump on him and wander away.

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I love that old joke about being stopped for speeding and Rudy got it reduced to life for murder 1. Says it all.

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Ha! I read that as mini-series! But knew implicitly that DJT would see it rather as a Major Event. Better miseries.

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Most likely those are people who don't know how impeachment works

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wasn't Solomon in deep with Karl Rove?

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Himmler tried to contact the allies with an offer : he'd surrender Germany be made it's new leader then they would all invade Russia together. the allies said no so he blew his brains out

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Kickin' it old school!

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The weirdest case of confirmation bias ever. No matter how unhinged, Rudy figured out that if he tells them something they already want to hear, they'll go all in on it.

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When you contemplate their collective agonies occurring within single, individual chapters of pain, it makes each heady sip of suffering so much more satisfying.

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