Gonna need a bigger house!

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The thing about UFO is that the 1980 fashions the series showed probably already looked kind of dated by the time the show aired, what with all the Nehru collar jackets and so on.

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Trying to make "fetch" happen?

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My non-comments are so lame that Disqus hasn't even bothered to fuck 'em up. Either that or I didn't notice they were gone.

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I hated the Ghoul during his time in office, and I lived in way the hell over in fucking NEW JERSEY.

He hasn't improved with time.

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And one of the things that should be being asked and answered is, who the FUCK is paying his bills?

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And, apparently, he gets to drink on the job.

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RICO his punk ass.

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This, his whole buggin out, drooling public meltdown going on for all eternity, this is his karmic punishment for his shitty mayoral stuff. The only thing it needs now is for him to get caught in a stop and frisk, takes a swing at the cop and ends up in Bellevue forever. 😌

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Firtash. Of course we all know that. It needs to be talked about on the news, when he’s on. “Firtash henchman Rudy Giuliani will join us in a few moments…“

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I discovered all of mine were stuck in the spam filter. Hundreds of them. So I turned off notifications. #TechWiz

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Also Stalin had purged (massacred them in a woods IIRC) all the capable generals in Poland prior to the Nazi times. So they didn’t have anybody to lead their military when the Nazis invaded. Losing Russia that buffer zone.

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I sure as shit hope so. Saw Maddow talking about her book the other day with Chris Matthews and they were talking about how Putin for his own self-interest decided to make Russia solely a resource extraction economy instead of as Matthews put it “a normal economy“ with manufacturing etc and now everyone in Russia is fucked.

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It’s only a vague memory, but I recall somebody saying Putin is simplistic and unsophisticated in his understanding of how things work. But I can’t remember what the example was. I agree with the Capone-like thug analysis. Also egomaniac. There’s this crazy song about how great and sexy he is that they had a tape of on the John Oliver from before the 2016 election about Putin.

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damn. that's harsh. i don't love tolkien's actual writing all that much, but that's good shit. makes me want to reread it.

(i'm not going to reread it).

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