For the Republicans, unless Trump uttered the magical mantra phrase "quid pro quo" to Ukraine and clicked his heels three times, he's innocent. And probably even then.

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So basically this old man with dementia is feeding his crazies to another old man with dementia, who believes them, and who also happens to be the leader of a nation that has nukes, and that nation happens to be us.

And then millions of stupids believe all of their dementia-fueled crazy talk.

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If the "president", as the head of the entire executive branch that they all report up to, has failed to root out the derp state in 3 YEARS, then he must be a total joke.

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Consider who watches ONAN.. It ain't exactly young folks with intact myelin.

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Oh so trumply let ukraniacs in but brown people go to cages. Gotcha.

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Doing this out of love = many Russian rubles

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Yes. Its time we have a conversation about mental health before they all get guns.Oh nevermind.

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