It's a drinky sort of day here, I imagine it's the weather in your area also. Something about very very early January.

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The weather is almost always bad in Pittsburgh, especially in winter, so I always have an excuse to drink.

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A farewell party.

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They specifically do not. They are setting up judicial coups. If we do get the Senate expanding the judiciary is critical. And the nice thing is if the Republicans do it to we might end up with enough judges that the nth does not matter, and people will not spend years waiting for a hearing.

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Too bloody bad, too.

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"Murder One? Even if I lose I'll be famous!"

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I'll have you know that your constant references to Rudy's chram utterly ruined my appetite for my pork and sauerkraut, so I have no choice but to keep drinking. Thanks Liz! 😃

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Vanilla Ice??? What did he do, play Ice Ice Baby all night?

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Just keep in mind another Lennon lyric, "a working class hero is something to be". Keep fighting my friend!

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I think we all got special dispensation for some excess when the morons installed their absurd Orange champion.

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Never mind Rudy's chram. (uuuuurcck) Boil some potatoes (if they didn't cook in the same pot) and break out some good mustard, It'll make a good base for more drinking.

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I have no intention of ever know what Rudy's chram feels like...

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The real reason donald didn't attend his own NYE party: He was so pissed at Mel for herdecorating faux pas of mar-a-looney that he had to go back to d.c., where he isn't wantedanymore either. Donald was overheard screaming at her: "Mel, you had the whole fuckinginterior painted RED, the politically correct color of dictatorships, and I've told you 400 million times not to give out my STATE SECRET goal of turning the country into one!"

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We did champagne, brie covered in hot fudge sauce, and Soul on Disney+.

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This time around, Trump was dumb enough to let everybody know "I am the Walrus". But in the future there will be someone smart enough to stay in disguise and not blurt out his plans. That's when the real horror begins.

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