Team Trump finally made a move that's less than stupid. This has the potential to be serious trouble:


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I think the days of guests using landlines for anything important are long gone, and if their comms aren't better than Trump hotels then they deserve anything they get.

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"I would never join any organization that would take me as a member."-- Groucho (pbuh)

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Russian? Maybe. Deutche Bank? Absolutely. Cute, huh?

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I think I told you that Dina, his ex wife would come through the airport regularly. She looked like a ton of bricks slid off of her back when they split. I don't know how she put up with his shit for so long.

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Traitor Trump became President so Trump could sell America's foreign policy to the highest bidder.

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And remember: these figures only represent the money he grifted semi-legally. It doesn’t cover any bribes or other blatantly illegal stuff (like the gigantic “loans” Jared is getting from foreign countries in exchange for the USA getting along with them). It’s probably a small sliver of it that we’re seeing...

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What will the Republican party and Trump do without Michael Cohen to pay off old girlfriends?It's finally Cohen's turn. This is Trump's fixer. The guy who coerced a dozen or so women into signing NDAshttps://twitter.com/truefac...

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You think there may be something in those files showing a payoff for an abortion that covered Trump's affairs?

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Be sure to read some of the comments. Like with Wonkette, there are some good 'splainers there.

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Special ed teacher here: 70% of the population are within one standard deviation of "normal" 100 IQ, which means 35% have IQs between 85 and 100: functional, but not necessarily critical thinkers. Haven't Drumpf's polls been right around 35%? (I know there are limits to IQ tests, etc)

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There are rumors of Cohen paying for abortions.

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and it won't matter to the fucking evangelicals how many he paid for as long as he promises to make it illegal from now on. besides, those women were all whoors.

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so, it's like an a-cup?

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Wonkette should run for president!

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