Mind if I just get ticked off by the fact he's getting paid for this shit?

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No mention that she was bestowed the title "Chief Meteorologist" there, though, only "weather girl".

As a google query, first-female-chief-meteorologist is unhelpfully producing stacks of first-in-the-locality hits: Tammy Souza in Tampa Bay (2008); Kristine Kahanek in Dallas (2002); Amy Freeze in Chicago (2007); Terri Bennett in the Carolinas (1997?).

While Dr. Simpson may not have been considered by a TV station to be their chief meteorologist, her NASA credentials ("<a href="http:\/\/www.boston.com\/bostonglobe\/obituaries\/articles\/2010\/03\/09\/joanne_malkus_simpson_famed_female_meteorologist\/" target="_blank">Chief Scientist for Meteorology at Goddard Space Flight Center</a>") are far more impressive than a TV title.

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Kinda funny when you think about it. Rush dissing Hilsz for being a secretary while he weighs more than <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Secretariat_%28horse%29" target="_blank">Secretariat</a>

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my favorite line from whcd was:

"just to clear things up for the extreme right-wingers, here’s the difference between Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh: the people who watch Bill Maher know he’s an asshole.”

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Earliest I can find is June Bacon-Bercey who gained the title of meteorologist at the Buffalo NBC affiliate in 1970 and was chief meteorologist by the time she left in 1973.

Also, some <a href="http:\/\/www.magid.com\/node\/159" target="_blank">reinforcement of your impression</a>.

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Actually, I don't think Boss "I wasn't wrong, I was misinformed" BlunerRush really has any serious political beliefs.

Remember he started off in radio in baseball. All he wants is to be famous and make money - and he'll say anything and do anything to accomplish those goals.

His act wouldn't work pretending to be a progressive - we have no time for his ilk. The right wing nutz, however, being quite gullible, just eat it up.

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I don't think he's smart enough to be a real disk jockey. He can talk, but I don't think he can talk and run the board at the same time.

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Did you ever hear the bit on Al Franken's Air America radio show where a Blackfoot Chief argues creation myths with Pat Robertson?


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Man, if Hillary Clinton is "just a secretary", imagine what The Blob thought of Condolezza Rice. A <i>blah</i> secretary. An unmarried*, childless**, blah secretary. That makes her pretty much just the Maid of the Missed to him. __________________________________ * her boyfriend wouldn't divorce Laura ** used birth control = slut, prostitute

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I'll just assume you know his cock is tiny and shriveled because you ... um ... you ... um .... GOT IT! You started with normal size, then subtracted the over-compensating cigar.

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Kinda like nuclear power vs. nuclear explosion, it takes a lot more to maintain a habit than to asphyxiate yourself on the vomit with which you've been poisoning American discourse your entire "professional" life.

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Plus he made shitty coffee I understand.

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Ahhh, Bill...we hardly knew ye <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIT-SYVPV8s">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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OT - But I saw this in the comment section of the video I just posted:

"You have owners,the big corps. The big corps provide you with your life, don't hate them. You would die without them. "

What.the.fuck? Really...that explains the wave after wave of death that stalked the land before someone with vision <i>invented</i> the corporation.

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I'd rather think of the end of <em>The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover</em> than picture that.

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I'm sorry, Editrix, but I cannot obey your command.

You see, I'm congenitally incapable of enjoying listening to Rush. He <strike>tri...</strike>sets off my gag reflex, my stab reflex, and my Van Gogh reflex.

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