Stopping back here to offer this quote from Robin Williams's daughter Zelda:

"As for those who are sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is sending a flock of pigeons to your house to poop on your car. Right after you’ve had it washed."

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I wouldn't even invest that much energy in him

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He can go fork himself

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Not even the hard right conservatives and tea partiers that I know have any stomach for Limbaugh. They view him as excessively vulgar, extremely vindictive and dumb as a stump moronic and do not want to have him be associated with their POV. Even the backwoods boys around here ditched him. They joined up with the majority of townspeople here and demanded that our local radio station drop his show a couple of months after it started to run it.

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Granted, but he's still a fucking piece of shit, so it doesn't really harm anything to point that out.

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Spatula City!!!

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I can't understand how he still manages to stay on the air. Nobody likes this guy, not even the diehard conservatives. I have ridden with Reaganites and Tea Partiers and seen them turn off the radio when he came on because they couldn't stand his bloviating. There was such an uproar in my little backwoods town when the local radio station started carrying his show that they had to drop it from the lineup.

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I have hid (hided?) almost all of the people whose friend requests I said "sure" to, back during my initial two-week-long interest period. Some of them are perfectly nice folks who just appear to have hours and hours every day to put shit on FB. A few of them turn out to be kind of <strike>assholes</strike> misguided, and have hours and hours each day to post crap on FB.

Hide is good.

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Any idea when? I'm thinking tickets could be a pretty good investment.

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Schadenfreude, schoene Gotterfunken..?

EDIT: I really have to learn how to do umlauts.

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I disagree with the idea that Limbaugh has demons. I'm pretty sure he's a sociopath. They don't have demons; they just fuck everybody else up.

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Weird. The RWers on my friends list are often just the opposite. My liebrul friends generally seem to be a bit sunnier, but there's a good deal of variation in both camps. The Marxists, though, tend to be Debbie Downers.

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Not anger but disgust.

I mean, Sack of Shit says what? But yeah, sometimes I wonder if we pay more attention to him than the other side does.

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Conservatives have higher suicide rate than progressives. I think conservatives see a half-empty world. Half-empty of white people, half-empty government-run prayer in schools, half-empty of war, half-empty of guns, half-empty of sick people, half-empty of man/woman marriages.

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Never happy, with an attitude of pessimism, darkness, and sadness?

Yeah, let's think about whether we find that among progressives, or among right-wing howler monkeys.

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