Always was a racist and always will be.

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This is what happens when you stuff ten pounds of shit into a five pound bag.

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Oh, nothing makes me so joyous as Limbag's head popping off about young women.

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Just for the record Millenial, by most commonly understood definition of the word, means people born between 1982-1999. Its common to try to infantilize millennials as β€œchildren who don’t understand how the world works”, but the oldest millennials are approaching 40.

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Faster, cancer, faster.

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I support BLM and their message. I consider myself antifa. And yes, PLEASE pull up your fekkin pants. PLEASE.

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To be fair to 'ol Rush, white college-educated millennial women DO all dress alike, just like gang members, in - I assume - Uggs and leggings and uh, fancy Starbucks drinks? I mean, I haven't looked outside lately, but it makes me feel superior so it's probably true.

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I refuse to believe that rush got the freedom medal, that he actually gets paid to spew his bile and people lap up his bullshit as truth and yet here we are.

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If I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to tell some white woman to pull up her pants

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