Also, it could be syphilis. Untreated, it attacks the brain.

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When you live on a different planet where reality doesn't exist you can look at the picture above - you with equipment attached to your head and the president with a ferret attached to his head - and not realize that you both look completely ridiculous.

I guess in the same way you look at polls that tell you the president is massively unpopular and then convince yourself Democrats are slinking into his rallies. Like food lovers going to the restaurant that's been closed by health inspectors. You know you love it!

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Possible, but unlikely. Syphilis is easily treated with penicillin, and I find it hard to believe that Trump hasn't had a course or two of penicillin in his life.

Of course, I haven't had a good look at his corneas, but I'm pretty sure we can't call him Cotton-Eyed Don just yet.

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I hope they have a lot of respiratory facilities in the heartland. They may need them.

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I'll say it. I hope every single damn one of them comes down with at least a cough.

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oh shit, rush is on to us, at our secret meetings where we decide to rig primaries and run our deep state gay agenda we decided to send all the people from san francisco who tested positive for the virus to trump rallies to kill all of the old people there. we told them to say they were republicans, but rush is too smart for us and recognized them as democrats right away. he must have seen that our operatives have all their teeth and their wives don't look suspiciously related to them

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Limbaugh began the segment by stating that, "Democrats out the wazoo are showing up at Trump rallies." I thought Republicans spent more time in the wazoo than Democrats.

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So passing a new version of the Fairness Doctrine would be a nice idea for a Democratic campaign to jump on. Especially one that extends into social media. The people peddling this conspiracy nonsense used to be confined to street corners and poster board. If you have an audience of 10 random passersby, whatever. If you have the reach of 30, 40, 50 million households, you have a social responsibility to speak truth. This nation cannot survive if we continue to allow an entire separate fantasy world be fed to our own fellow citizens all in the name of money.

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I think Democrats should stop discouraging Republicans from eating rotting animal carcasses on the side of the road. It's a really see-through ploy and stuff.

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Has Limburger been "assimilated"???

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I encourage Trump supporters to rally with each other each and every day. Get nekkid and rub all over each other, exchange fluids, whatever, just make sure it's Trumpers only.

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For this you need cofeve.

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You tell ‘em Rush! Also, don’t listen to those nanny state democrats who will tell you drinking bleach won’t cure Covid-19 or cooking pork thoroughly will prevent trichinosis. Drink that bleach and eat all the raw sausage you want!

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How about Donnorrhea?

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Can you imagine the howling on the right if they were expected to tell the truth on social media? The tiny bit of self-policing twitter and YouTube engage in now has them practically reaching for their Tiki torches.

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