Poke them with thier Viagra-enhanced love-stick when they travel to the Dominican Republic (allegedly)?

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Actually that's battery. Assault is the threat of bodily harm, battery is the ACTUAL bodily harm. In most places anyway.

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Or the republicans could...I dunno, start expounding their own positions on issues and giving detail explainations for how they plan to achieve it to the masses they are suppose to be serving.

Oh look at me being "radical" again. Don't mi d me. Just waste time pointlessly spreafing easily-disprovable rumors about the opposition then.

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Republicans: "We don't hit women, we just take cheap shots at them."


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Well, uh, I live in a special place where "battery" refers to a thing you put into your Wii remote before you flail it around wildly and knock somebody out with it, so you can see my confusion.

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I think you should be allowed to shoot them with a rubber suction cup tipped dart. Right between their rolled eyes.

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Juan, if your "getting" old, you're still young (young enough). When you write a long reply to a post, then realize after hitting "post" that you had wrote the original, and have just responded to yourself- that's when you are officially old.


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My vivid imagination is sometimes a curse. I see him in his loosely tied silk robe, lying in bed and gazing at the clouds, wishing that someday, somehow, a woman he doesn't have to pay might join him.

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The imaginary liberals in your head don't live here.

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You're not even trying to make sense now, are you?

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You were fapping when you typed that, weren't you?

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1) You might like to invest in a thesaurus.

2) Tepidly restating an obvious fact on a radio show will make exactly zero difference for this movie's bottom line. This was at best a neutral mention.

3) Given Limbaugh's opinions on women and minorities - which he has expressed frequently and publicly - it is not a stretch to assume he might join his core audience in boycotting the movie.

Tl;dr: We deserve a better class of troll. This one is tedious.

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1) I'll bet you have a black friend too!

2) I think you misspelled "women and minorities who do not, in Limbaugh's opinion, know their place."

2a) When did Carly Fiorina and Megyn Kelly become liberals?

3) Since I was apparently too subtle for you, I'm saying Limbaugh's core audience is incontrovertibly full of bigots, some of whom likely believe this "white genocide" bs.

4) I think it's adorable that you think anyone takes you seriously.

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Wow, you've got liberal friends, ergo you're all "fair and balanced" now and we're the real bigots. Your buttboy corrupted other people into buying his hillbilly heroin for him, and gobbled so much of it, he damaged his fucking hearing. He got caught with an illegal stash of somebody else's boner pills returning from the D.R., and he weaseled out of the draft because of a boil on his ass. You need to find a better hero, dimbulb.

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You and Rush get your Oxy from the same dealer? Yeah, we're the real racists alright. How original.

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