Dear Mr. Limbaugh,

Your recent submission has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue.

Sincerely, The Onion

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Limbaugh deserves a lot of credit for revitalizing what was one considered a dying field. No, not AM radio...I am referring to professional racism! He is literally making millions of dollars encouraging people's racial bigotry!

Do you remember anyone who was able to monetize raw prejudice this much before Rush came along? You would have to go back a ways, I am sure.

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Funeral for a Friend?

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Race baiters have alway been with us, the only thing that has changed is the size of the megaphone

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at least it kept the underground railroad running on time...

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pink baby-people

that was the name of my punk band in college

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Rush Lamebrain, Professor of White History. The only reason he doesn't wear a white hood on the air is that it interferes with the mic.

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I could be wrong, but I don't think it was ever quite this financially lucrative for George Wallace or the White Citizens' Councils.

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fuflans libel!

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Well that's just not true.

Slavery wasn't so much invented as just assumed in the ancient world, and it had it's genesis long before there even were white people...

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now how can that be? Adam and Eve were white people, it says so in the Bible

it's science...

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actually, Oxyboy does it for all the sweet moneez. His listeners consist of those who love to hate libruls and true believers, but he's in it for the cash. Conservatism is one of the biggest long cons on the planet...

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This is why you don't learn yer history from college dropouts

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It is true, out of the last 5,000 years of recorded history, white people have only owned slaves for 4,850 of them.

(Well, ok, a few have owned some in the last 150 years, too. But probably not as many of them.)

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Well, he's definitely a Big One, and I wouldn't mind seeing him dropped.

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Who do you think they learned it from?

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