One of the pharmaceutical shows I worked was doing a product launch to cure Dwindling Pluralitous Imposition. Nasty stuff, used to be the only treatment for it was wriggling maggots...

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Wingtard Madlibs

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No, well done Nopantsmcgee!

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Elton John must be so proud for performing at Rush's wedding reception.

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Rush - women might like you if you were just fat and sweaty. Being a despicable asshole is a deal breaker, however.

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only the slow moving ones...

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it's the other white meat

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At least we're all agreed it's obviously not the mother.

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well i wasn't... but now i am.

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You just won America.

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now chet, you KNOW i spent most of 2011-2012 cowering under the blankets in fear of what we were going to get in november.

give me a month of unseemly gloating.

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As if that would ever happen!

Wait, what?

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Apparently, <a href="http:\/\/www.reuters.com\/article\/2011\/10\/26\/us-deaths-pregnancy-idUSTRE79P7OK20111026" target="_blank">we're already there</a>.

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It seems everything is funny to the Wonket.

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Also a far from foregone conclusion that any change would be a good change. The 2014 Senate class was the 2008 class, that's not fun. J-Rock's retiring, so that's one almost certain Goober pickup in the Senate already. Kay Hagan will probably have a more challenging opponent than Liddy Dole. Mark Begich's opponent will probably not be under indictment.

And it'd need <a href="http:\/\/thinkprogress.org\/justice\/2013\/01\/02\/1382471\/thanks-to-gerrymandering-democrats-would-need-to-win-the-popular-vote-by-over-7-percent-to-take-back-the-house\/" target="_blank">a miracle</a> to retake the House, thanks to a <a href="http:\/\/thinkprogress.org\/justice\/2013\/01\/17\/1459991\/rslc-gerrymandering-house\/" target="_blank">quite deliberate</a> attempt to make sure Democrats' votes do not count.

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Whatever, it's always been the transphobia I've found distasteful, too.

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