He could have some redeeming qualities like a billion dollar life insurance policy and a heart murmur you can hear on the other side of the expressway.
Each of Rush's marriage ceremonies gets more and more elaborate. The last one had a military honor guard so the next one will have to take place in a football stadium with a circus parade complete with steam calliope.
He could have some redeeming qualities like a billion dollar life insurance policy and a heart murmur you can hear on the other side of the expressway.
Jealousy rears its ugly head. Maybe Valerie Jarrett will move in and fix the marriage
First thing that comes to MY mind is "Idiot".
Each of Rush's marriage ceremonies gets more and more elaborate. The last one had a military honor guard so the next one will have to take place in a football stadium with a circus parade complete with steam calliope.
my favorite sir elton quote:
'rude vile pigs!! pigs! pigs!! pigs!!!'
Perhaps she didn't care for the slave-Leia outfit he makes her wear at night.