Say again after "brimstone".

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You could park a pinto in a pacer.

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I believe it's Miller, now.

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We won't ask what "bake cookies for" means.

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That was the nickname for Cannon AFB, NM. The Beach Without An Ocean.

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Benfica Portugal. Bayern has never lost to them. Hope this isn't the first time.

Next match is 5 Apr.

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Genau. Und Sommer manchmal.

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That'll be our secret, we don't want to show that we are olds, and by we, I mean not me. I don't care what my oldest says, I am NOT old. OK, maybe oldish.

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Yes indeed. I actually read a deleted comment and it was gone before I could post my reply. One should never refer to the editrix with the four letter C word that ends with a T. I think it's ok to use it to refer to hilz.

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Miss Anne Elk has a theory about that.

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Yes, he's been opening his yawning cake-hole and cramming his feet in.

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This is a prime example (along with -every- school-board, and state-government election in America) of why Democrats MUST show up at the polls in November and vote a straight-party ticket--even if it appears that the Presidential election will be a blowout. If I was Hillary or Bernie I would make that issue a very key part of my campaign message: "Don't vote for me if you don't vote for -all- your Democrat candidates. I don't want to 'preside' over another obstructionist, hypocritical, right-wing government. The GOP has BETRAYED you for 25 years."

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Yeah, I don't see them going out to Benefica. You never know...football can be a cruelly unpredictable game if you happen to have a bad night at the wrong time, but for me, nobody other than Barca has the firepower of Bayern. I hope it works out for them to meet in the final.

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Apparently you just wasted 2 MORE minutes on this post. Are you some kind of glutton for punishment?

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