No, sorry little man but I see right through you. Your panties are in a bunch, biggly. And go away? This is now my house, I will shit here as I please. If you have a problem with that your only option is to shut the fuck up, plain and simple.

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Ha, acknowledging my victory twat? I forced a change by you. Mission accomplished!

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I've cleared my Sunday. Hope you like abuse.

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I figure it is always a con, with these people.

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You are absolutely right. Right as rain. Prolly shouldn’t have said that...

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I like yelling at tedious fuckwads on the interwebz and you fit the bill, cupcake.

Go the fuck away. You are neither welcome nor wanted.

I'm sure that Dead Breitbart's Home for the Perpetually Idiotic would welcome you with open mouths.

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I FINALLY WON!!!! I forced a change on you, you now hide your posts like the little pussie you are. Ha! It took long enough. but guess what little man, I am working on a script that finds and actives "load more comments" and will search and find you. Let me know when you are ready to apologize.

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But I got your panties all in a bunch or you wouldn't be posting to me. Now you are at a decision point, do you continue to show your agitation and post again? Or do you put your tail between you legs in defeat, STFU and fuck off to the left?

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But I got your panties all in a bunch or you wouldn't be posting to me. Now you are at a decision point, do you continue to show your agitation and post again? Or do you put your tail between you legs in defeat, STFU and fuck off to the left?

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But I got your panties all in a bunch or you wouldn't be posting to me. Now you are at a decision point, do you continue to show your agitation and post again? Or do you put your tail between you legs in defeat, STFU and fuck off to the left?

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Bull. The Chinese tried human wave attacks from their Korean War handbook and ran into a modern army with 50 years of continuous combat experience against the Japanese, French, and American armies, armed with captured US airplanes, heavy artillery and strategic rockets. It was a slaughter but the only lasers were for targeting. This was the VN B team, the home guard, as 90% of the main army was in Cambodia, fighting the Khmer Rouge.

The PLA is a joke but you do NOT want to mess with the Vietnamese Army.

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Silicon. Carol Doda was a silcone based lifeform.

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I saw what you did there.

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I suspect that the US is behind it.

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