O - H - I - O

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They did. 2013 was the year to do it. Obama had just started his second term. Why she didn't step down is baffling to me. I really hope it's not something that proves a massive, major, monumental mistake in the next few months.

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Breyer has had how many health scares since joining the court? RBG is a strong lady, no doubt, but she absolutely has been in far poorer health than Breyer the last few years.

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Kitty, calm down. No one is wanting her to be appointed forever. Just until early next year. Yeesh.

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Who thought we'd get to the point where we feel nostalgic for the previous week, and look back fondly upon our last-month selves as naive innocents?

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Does anyone know anyone who bears a passing resemblance to her and who could do the accent? She can stay home and whisper in her doppelganger's ear via bluetooth.

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Is that how y'all spell roulette over there?

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Thank you for completely missing my point and Drinken Irishman’s. If you’d bothered to read what I wrote, I said that she should have retired whenever Obama was president and the Dems held the Senate — as D.I. points out, that would have been during 2013-14. McConnell couldn’t have blocked anything during that time because the Dems could simply have eliminated the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees — as Majority Leader Hypocrisy did as soon as Schumer threatened to require 60 votes for Gorsuch. The Dems could then have confirmed Michelle Obama if they’d wanted — or Merrick Garland. But the reason McConnell acted so unlawfully was that you’d have replaced a doctrinaire conservative with, um, a moderate centrist.As for RBG versus Breyer, he’s six years her junior, and six years is six years. He would only have been 75 in 2014, compared to RBG, who was already 81then. And Breyer hasn’t had 4 cancer scares since 2010.I would say that, should the Dems get both the White House and Senate next year, he should retire, too — 80+ is a good moment to start spending more time with the grandkids, or even the great-grandkids. From 6 feet away, of course.

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Yes I have read it. It's bullshit. Do you not realize that your veneer of erudition is pitifully sophomoric?

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I love her, and wish her the best, always.

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If you have seen the documentary RBG it is easy to understand how this amazing woman continues on as if she has no illness. One of the strongest people I have ever known of.

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I hope she lives forever, but it probably makes sense to start planning to pack the court come January.

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It's a terrible thing when the future of our democracy hangs on one tiny 87 year old woman......

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That's "Sir" to you! (With tears in your eyes. I assume you're a big, strong guy, flannel shirt.)

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William Douglas, one of the 20th century's lions of the Constitution, civil and human rights, stayed on the Court even after suffering a stroke.

After the new Congress convenes in January 2021, their first jobs are to abolish the filibuster and increase the number of Justices on the Court. I like the number 13. This will allow the nomination and confirmation of four new Justices, creating an 8 to 5 liberal majority immediately. Biden should have the four nominees in his pocket on Inauguration Day.

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