^^^THIS ^^^

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The Green Party USA have been taken over by the Putinist quasi-fascists like J. Stein and their 2004 candidate David Cobb; while their 2008 candidate C. McKinney has gone full-tilt out-and-out fascist/anti-Semite. Here's an actual old-school Green complaining: https://www.counterpunch.or...

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As I grew older I began to notice a different breed of hunter; men who showed up with multiple shotguns as if they were golf clubs needed for specific shots. While most of us wore jeans, t-shirts and hunting vests, these newcomers dressed like they were going on safari, wearing bush hats, shooting jackets (in the 100 degree heat), and cargo pants with more pockets than there existed implements to fill them. You would see them walking the fields; shotgun draped over one arm, can of beer in the other hand. We learned to stay away from them.For these men hunting was a manhood thing, a way to get in touch with their alpha male, a way to prove they weren’t soft city dwellers and what better way to do that than to get together with some buddies and shoot some guns at whatever moved.TBogg, I Was The NRA, a good perennial read.

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That's a damn pelt.

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I don't think even Doofenshmirtz would stoop to this level of evil.

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Cannot make the horrid joke that popped into my head. Not funny. Even I (humor challenged) know this.

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Right? But don't go that far - open toed shoes are really stupid footwear for hiking around in woods, especially when accompanied by a bunch of hooved animals.

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Thanks! TBogg's description of his young life is very similar to my own, though I grew up in Northern Illinois and hunting was less of a focal point for my family. I could bait my own hook by 4 though it took me longer to learn to tie the knots. When my parents went pheasant hunting in the harvested corn stubble, my brother and I were the 'dogs' walking between our parents, looking for cocks to flush. If we saw a hen, we'd call it out so if she flushed she'd be safely on her way. I don't remember us being very successful at it, but it was a great family day out in the country. When it came to ducks, dove, rabbits and squirrels, my dad hunted them all with his buddies. We were probably not as poor as your family, but we always ate what he killed, though I always feel a little 'Beverly Hillbillies' when I tell people I ate squirrel growing up.

After we moved to Colorado, dad got into deer and elk hunting and I became his hunting buddy. I think my dad was exceedingly proud that his DAUGHTER was a solid outdoorswoman. Of course, I always felt safe with my daddy around. We started hunting in Colorado in the '70's and we avoided those hunters with shiny new gear like the plague. Good, ethical hunters don't stay up at night getting drunk and doing dumbass things. Good hunters are/were usually in bed by 9 so that we could get up at 4 to be in our spots before dawn. After dinner, we'd play a game or two of cribbage with a single shot of good sour mash sippin' whiskey to relax us for sleep. I just remembered something. We had one of those tent campers and it wasn't unusual for my boots to be frozen to the floor in the morning, lol!

Thanks so much for helping me remember those good days. It's so good to remember the great parts of my childhood these days, when the world was a kinder, gentler and yes, much fairer place.

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The black goo that kilt Tasha Yar!(Denise killed her own career).

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Yes. Because I'm a geek with a PBS obsession. This week is beg-for-money week at my station, though, so mostly its stuff I don't care about at the moment.

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You need to return to the planet you came from. Only a space cadet would falsely claim that any one is killing infant bears and wolves. Hunters are not allowed to remove endangered species any where in the United States and to make such a claim is a lie. Roosevelt set aside millions of acres of land for the public's use...full use. That land was not set aside for only the animal activists use. Roosevelt made it very clear that managed use of the land was an American right for ALL to follow. He never had any intentions of stopping hunting, trapping, or fishing since he avidly enjoyed hunting. So if your mouth is moving you are lying. If you write down it is a lie. Return as quickly as possible to your planet in a galaxy far far away and leave us alone!

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They're worried about the upcoming evolution/genetic engineering of our future owlbear overlords

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The Running Man?

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I'd say this guy is a cartoon supervillain but that would be an insult to cartoon supervillains. Maybe he's an animate Superfund site.

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Trophy hunting, myth vs reality:


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