He's hiding money offshore together with his wife the Transpo Secy, who's reputedly from a fine opium family tied to the Chinese government. I think even the WSJ was covering that. I don't understand why nobody's looking into it.
"[Due to]....government procurement rules, the costs for everything from pencils to printing to doors is astronomical."
I'll go Pinkham's Law on this one. We sometimes supply COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) parts to government contractors, and the paper requirements are so Byzantine we charge them double as a starting point.
shoulda gone for the gates of Kiev, just sayin'
My Indivisble group sent many many postcards to PA for this.
Saw a copy of these at Stanford art museum. They are mesmerizing.
Yep. Our daughter is finally ready to move out. Works in Bothell at a good job but not sure where she can afford to rent.
My dad I interviewed him back in 1981 when Spasticus Artisticus came out and I got to meet him. I was 16 and so in awe of him.
There's some hope in that we'll probably get the House, and Ryan can retire to kick orphans and puppies all day long.
Maybe he fucked the door.
They're already planning a protest.
He's hiding money offshore together with his wife the Transpo Secy, who's reputedly from a fine opium family tied to the Chinese government. I think even the WSJ was covering that. I don't understand why nobody's looking into it.
Hey if this has been a ten-year renovation project, shouldn't we be saying thanks GWBush?
"[Due to]....government procurement rules, the costs for everything from pencils to printing to doors is astronomical."
I'll go Pinkham's Law on this one. We sometimes supply COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) parts to government contractors, and the paper requirements are so Byzantine we charge them double as a starting point.
Hard to say, but I think Conner Lamb has a pretty good shot.
Unsurprising. He's been a liar for a long, long time.
Now THAT'S some wood....
I'm getting another. Maybe a third.
I'm with ya, seems rather spendy but it would help to see the complete PO.