'Trial Lawyers' used to mean civil trial lawyers,who of course shake down big corporations when they injure the little guy (and take a hefty cut from the proceeds), today it seems to apply to criminal trial lawyers. Does the GOP have only one tar brush?

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This is another of Nixon's skulduggerous schemes come to light!

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Roman Catholic Church leadership ?

The KKK ?

Sean Hannity ?

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People who aren't criminals don't end up in court, accused of stuff, obvs.

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So did I! So it must be true.

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When the R's wrecking ball is finally finished, and they have won all the elections, what will be left of this country for them to govern? Only rich white men will have rights, there will be no rules about anything except vaginas, and most of the continent will be under water, destroyed by tornadoes, or parched so dry nothing can grow. As for us, the vile ugly little snark mob, we'll be commenting from inside the re-education camps.

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"But there are trial lawyers, and there are trial lawyers."

What about a third kind? You know...trial lawyers.

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Dear Assholes:

Please see <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Gideon_v._Wainwright" target="_blank">Gideon v. Wainwright.</a>

That is all.

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Well it goes with the Republican notion of justice - "just us" white men folks get fair trials. Anyone who is poor, brown or not of the male persuasion is assumed guilty the minute the coppers slap the cuffs on.

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I don't think this one is gonna be Hitler, is it?

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And we don't even get try again because of modern air pollution laws.

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That "justice for all" stuff was just a suggestion.

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We should point out that if Republicans cared about due process and innocent until proven guilty, the Bush years would have been a LOT different.

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