I dunno, a couple hours listening to her and I'd be fashioning a hangman's noose for myself

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it's all about the grift to most of them

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How can progressives claim to support increased access to HEALTH care when we all know that theirs is the culture of DEATH??? Explain that one, liebruls!!!!

How can progressives say that they support programs to help poor families and Head Start for children when, as everyone knows, they kill babbies, HENNNGGGG????!!!!!

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Sar... casm?

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Indeed, what a moron. She's demonstrated her stupidity in every TV appearance.

How can anybody compare guns and weed? If there were no guns, nobody could get shot. If there was no weed, nobody could get high. I'm more worried about getting shot.

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Especially since most people who get paranoid are just worried about getting caught. If it's legal, that goes altogether.

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Its just that the right is wanting to take the credit for making the pot legal ,saying the liburals were again it all along and we helped all you pot smokers out so vote for us weed heads.Neverminds the" just say no bitch" or that tricky Dick started this whole war on the dope and it was the rich who wanted the pot illegal to begin with, theys have been for it all along.We know the christians folks and the red states have been tryin for years to get the pot passed

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"And why aren't lawful gun owners afforded the same level of trust?"

This is supposed to mean something? THEY ARE. Guns <i>are allowed</i> you shitwit. Even to sickos who use them to kill strangers as well as family. Wait, are you arguing that felons should get guns, or something??

The argument that checking out gun owners is "against guns" is only "against guns" if you're an idiot who doesn't understand words, or an evil shitbag who intentionally misunderstands words as your job propping up the wingnut/Yosemite Sam empire, or you are making an assumption that all of your gun-tarded jackhole compatriots are too fucking mentally unstable to actually pass proposed background checks in order to get their hands on some shootin' irons. Which one is it?

Do you see what I did there, with my specious reasoning and false choices as a lampoon of your poor editorial, Sippy C? Of course you wouldn't, you empty vessel.

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give her a break- she was high when she wrote that

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that's what snake-loads are for

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Either you're with the Teabaggers or you're with the StalinHitlercrats.

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get the government off my back- and straight on to yours

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maybe if she promised not to talk

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yup, Crossfire is the horrible reboot of the original crappy show that Jon Stewart eviscerated. Now it's not even interesting enough to mock

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