<i>You’re going against 40,000 years of evolution</i>

Open ass. Extract "facts".

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You really have to wonder about why these rampant misogynists are so defensive about their own self-worth that they feel the need to belittle the opposite sex to such an extreme. My theories revolve around childhood issues (unloving mothers) and sexual inadequacies. Or perhaps it's good ol' mental illness?

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Holy shit...someone's been clicking on those "One Weird Trick To Increase Testosterone" ads

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<i>"You’re going against 40,000 years of evolution."</i>

Yes, Gavin -- it's called "progress". You could look it up.

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It's because the economy sucks. Guys who can no longer do the 1960's "provider" schtick are looking for someone to blame. Too dumb to see it's the GOP, they blame wimmenz, Messicans, and NAFTA.

Why they let their largely Republican CEOs off the hook is anyone's guess ... they could have been laid off by one of the Koch brothers in person, and they'd still be teabaggers.

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