Rule 34.

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Christ, numero uno on my list of 32 things to do today was get up - and fat lot of good that did me.

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Watching the Eagles makes Real Men cry Manly Tears.

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I can upfist you, if that'll help.

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Nothing that a thick coat of paint won't fix.

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Wait, is Bold and Determined in <i>Florida</i>? That can't be right. Real men do not live in Florida. Real men live in places that are cold in winter, where the principal industries are closed-up steel mills, not shady real-estate offices.

Am v. disillusioned.

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Only if you totally ignore the instructions and cold nail the parts together.

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What about porn you build yourself?

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Hot glue gun, bitch!

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George Bernard Shaw?

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Does installing new light fixtures count? The Mr is presently doing that in the kitchen. He seems pretty manly- he does keep saying "motherfucker".

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is that centaur farting a rainbow?

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Men who are concerned about manliness are narcissistic insecure boys. And probably wingnuts to boot.

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"It's complicated."

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It's actually on topic, since they apparently had his name down as "Christina Slater." He should have built a nightstand for them.

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I can't build shit. Instead, I do pullups. Building nightstands is for guys who can't do pullups.

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