I hadn't picked up on that, but right you are.

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Nice looking herd of cattle ya got there, Mr. B. It'd be a real shame of the range that they're trespassing on was to catch fire and burn all up. Probably take a long time to get something like that under control, given the Clark County Sheriff's Office's limited resources. Yup, I'd imagine that would be a real mess...

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Still, I would tread lightly if I was with the rancher's people. If this remains unresolved then at some point the US [###redacted###] department may just send over a detachment of <strike>aliens</strike> special aviation technology consultants from <strike>Groom Lake</strike> a nearby installation to provide advice and assistance with enforcement. And you know that if they bring in <i>those</i> guys it will be a bad day for the cattle...

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I have just discovered another govt. attack on our rights. As I was perusing the latest on the Bundy's I came across this article but it showed I had already "READ IT" I had not "READ IT" so it must be a case of the govt. saying I "READ IT " when I hadn't "READ IT" to keep me from "READING IT" Another government scandal exposed unless of course I had read it but just don't remember reading it.Unless of course it is a Bundy operative who is responsible for saying I "READ IT" when I didn't "READ IT"

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You know how nutty that is? So nutty even <em>Dead Brietbart</em> is telling people it's not true at all.

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Ah, the old Some Have Suggested ploy! Works on the rubes every time.

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He sounds nice. Stupid, also too.

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I think the dogwhistle term is "heritage".

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Not to mention that federal park employees get assaulted all the time and sometimes killed. <a href="http://ens-newswire.com/201..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://ens-newswire.com/2013/06/20/violent-attack...">http://ens-newswire.com/201...

As the linked article notes, in 2002 the GW Bush "Justice" Dept. "stopped tracking assaults on federal employees back in 2002, after it persuaded Congress to repeal a reporting requirement for such incidents." So a private organization now does it. For fucking fuck's sake. Dear Eric Holder: how about tracking those assaults again, eh?

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Of course! Harry Reid! That would explain why this particular form of rightwing outrage dates back to circa 1916, when the federal govt began owning land in the west.

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Once again, Wonkette gets it wrong. Why would we not be encouraging all the <strike> gibbering fools</strike> Real Patriots to run off to Nevada as soon as possible? It's an excellent idea, particularly as there is a <a href="http:\/\/www.nellis.af.mil\/library\/factsheets\/factsheet.asp\?id=18506" target="_blank">huge amount</a> of <a href="http:\/\/www2.nstec.com\/pages\/NNSS-Mission.aspx" target="_blank">govt land</a> <a href="url" target="_blank">Link text</a> there where they can all settle and homestead and homeschool the little ones.

ETA: With apologies to the non-crazy residents of Las Vegas and the nice environmenty one-percenters up there in Tahoe, I'm gonna get a kickstarter going for this.

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And yet he(?) won't identify himself. That's irony. No wait! I'm wrong. It's hypocrisy.

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BLM should contract out their enforcing Federal law to oh, say, I don't know, maybe BLACKWATER.

That'd give Hannity's pea-brain something to ponder.

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My Wingnut Boss™ says this is all a cover operation for Harry Reid's son, who wants to develop the "contested" federal land and wants all them cows out of the way.

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To send a completely innocent Easter greeting card?

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He should be lucky that the response wasn't to give him some additional air holes.

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